Member Of PSQCA and Leading Partners
- Quality Control Centre undertakes testing and assessment of industrial raw materials and finished products to establish their quality, grade and dimensions with reference to national and international standards specifications, in the fields of Chemicals, Microbiological, Mechanical, Engineering, Electrical goods and appliances, Building material, Textile material ,food, nonfoods, and Cosmetics
- Responsible for Quality Assurance procedure and maintaining the laboratory compliance with ISO/IEC- 17025 2005(E) international standards.
- Five Laboratories has been accredited according to ISO-17025 by PNAC. Efforts have been made to accredit other laboratories
- Performing scheduled Audits and Internal audits.
- Conducts Internal and External trainings
- Calibration of Equipment and glass wares as per requirement.
- Quality Control Centre participate in the Proficiency Testing scheme from National and International PT provider by
- Quality Consult Italy
- Pta: Australia
- LGC England
- FAPAS fera UK
- Norwsak Norway
- NPSL lab Islamabad
- HEJ Research center Karachi